Boomerang X

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od 2,99 €
23 rokov
7x finalista
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Aktivácia: SteamSteamKód produktu: 9126164
  • Harness the power of a mystical boomerang to fling yourself through the air in this acrobatic arena shooter. Slice, fly, and blast through swarms of evil creatures on an abandoned island with a cryptic past. Stay agile or meet your doom.


    Carving through hordes of horrors isn’t the only thing your boomerang is good for: once thrown, you can slingshot directly to it, preserving momentum and launching yourself through the air. Slow down time and use well-aimed throws to get around, above, and behind your foes. Speed is everything, and only the nimblest boomerang-er will survive…

    Fight otherworldly forces and look cool doing it. Impress the boomerang with stylish tricks and it’ll grant you strange powers to let you defeat the forces of the depths with greater ease. Kaspidae smiles upon you and your killer moves…

    They creep and crawl from crevices, swoop and dive from the treetops, and spray nasty bile at you from all angles. Keep your wits about you — nowhere is safe. Whatever you do, don’t stand still, or you’ll surely be consumed...

    Fight your way through the bowels of a ruined civilization and stop the nightmares from spreading to the rest of your world. Something lurks deep underneath these ruined halls, spewing corruption… can you defeat whatever it is? And even if you can… will that really be the end?

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