Brewpub Simulator

Nákupom získate 0,17 kreditov
Možno objednať max. 2 ks na zákazníka.
od 2,99 €
23 rokov
7x finalista
Ceny kvality
Aktivácia: SteamSteamKód produktu: 9168692
  • Quit your day job, open a bar! Decorate the place, create your own beer and design your labels. Keep your kegs full and your customers happy, and never stop growing!
    What's in the game:
    Brew your own beer! Buy ingredients and follow recipes or create something new, unique, and possibly not awful.
    Make the place yours! Add new furniture, change wall decors, buy party games… And clean up the place once in a while, maybe?
    Get those star ratings high and maintain your reputation on social media.
    Have fun with minigames! Arcade machine, dart, pool, and also minigames related to your work.
    Up for an extra challenge? Take on special daily tasks for extra profits.

    Turn a ruin into a _classy_ brewpub

    Have you ever wanted to open a pub? Now you can! Give new life to an old run-down brewery that you just inherited. Serve the best (or the worst) beer in town and make a reputation for yourself.

    Master the art of brewing

    Do you think that brewing is easy? Well yes, but actually no. Recipes are easy enough to follow, but brewing a perfect beer requires precision and experience. Find out if you have it in you.

    Become the #1 brewpub!

    Make your customers happy and your place nice and clean. Create your own beer brands, design your labels, keep your kegs full, and never stop growing. Cheers!

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