Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Beyond the Baltic Sea

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od 2,99 €
23 rokov
7x finalista
Ceny kvality
Aktivácia: SteamSteamKód produktu: 8471615
  • Beyond the Baltic Sea DLC brings to Euro Truck Simulator 2 the countries of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, parts of western Russia, and the south of Finland.
    Dozens of new cities, towns, ports and villages, new industries, thousands of kilometers of roads await. You’ll drive through vast swathes of low lying, verdant landscape, dotted with relics of past ages, as well as stark reminders of the great upheaval of the last century. For the first time you will drive into Russia and visit the great northern metropolis of Saint Petersburg. Going further, you will enter populous and industrially rich regions of Finland, where you can enjoy the unique experience of driving efficient High Capacity Transports.
    You’ll meander your way around lakes and rivers, and forests of pine and birch will often close upon you as you journey through these countries of quiet, subdued beauty. Welcome to the lands beyond the Baltic Sea!

    Key Features
    Over 13 thousand kilometers of new in-game roads
    Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia to explore
    Southern Finland containing major cities and industry
    Russian territory including Saint Petersburg and Kaliningrad
    24 new major cities and many smaller towns
    Characteristic Baltic architecture
    Famous landmarks and recognizable places
    Brand new unique 3D-assets
    Lush climate accordant vegetation
    Local AI trains, trams, and traffic cars
    Over 30 new local company docks and industries
    Finland-only High Capacity Transport (a tractor and two long trailers)
    Baltic-region achievements to unlock
    Cities included in the expansion

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