Hammerwatch II

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Možno objednať max. 1 ks na zákazníka.
od 2,99 €
23 rokov
7x finalista
Ceny kvality
Aktivácia: SteamSteamKód produktu: 9185414
  • Gather your heroes and emerge from the underworld of Hammerwatch Castle to explore a pixelated world like you've never seen before.

    Blight the Horrible, along with his dragon army, has managed to sneakily overthrow King Roland, sowing destruction throughout the Kingdom of Herian.

    Fortunately, all is not yet lost, as all hope hides in the sewers, where the royal resistance still rules undivided. By order of the King, a handful of intrepid and well-trained daredevils have been entrusted with the task of defeating the dragons and restoring peace to the Kingdom.

    So hit the road with your team - or travel alone - and help King Roland's resistance movement, without refusing to help the locals either. Defeat monsters, fight hordes of undead and face the forces of evil in an epic ode to the classics of the ARPG genre.

    Explore a dynamic and vast open world. Explore Hammer Island, Fallowfields and the dark, mountainous region of Blackbarrow. Experience a variety of conditions, thanks to the implementation of a full day and weather system into the game.

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