Hunting Simulator 2: Elite Edition

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od 2,99 €
23 rokov
7x finalista
Ceny kvality
Aktivácia: SteamSteamKód produktu: 8604386
  • The Elite Edition of Hunting Simulator 2 includes the full game and all additional content:
    - A new game mode with the scripted campaign "A Ranger’s Life"
    - A Browning rifle and large-calibre Winchester bolt-action rifle for huge prey
    - 8 official Beretta shotguns for hunting waterfowl, including the Beretta Model 486, a premium shotgun designed by Marc Newson
    - 4 complete official Browning outfits
    - A permanent bear hunting licence
    It's open season! In stunning natural environments, choose your gear from the best official weapons and accessories and set off with your dog in search of a variety of animal species in this open-world hunting simulation.

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