Men of War II – Frontline Edition Pack

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od 2,99 €
23 rokov
7x finalista
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Aktivácia: SteamSteamKód produktu: 9244703
  • The Frontline Hero Pack provides any true fan of Men of War II with the following perks:

    2 exclusive profile badges and 6 exclusive avatars to make sure you stand out from the crowd
    Instant unlock* of 4 collectible tank units to use in multiplayer matches
    10 beautiful desktop wallpapers

    The Frontline Hero Pack instantly unlocks the following collectible units*:

    M4A3E8 “Sherman”

    o A US Army medium tank, the latest modification of the M4A3E8 with a 75mm gun. It is a beautiful, but deadly war machine with a unique camouflage design, pin-up art, and decorative exterior elements.

    Panther Ausf. A

    o A German medium tank, the latest modification of the Pz.Kpfw. V class with a 75mm gun. A formidable predator with excellent combat characteristics and unique camouflage, capable of intimidating even experienced hunters on the battlefield.


    o A Soviet medium tank, the latest modification of the T-34 class with an 85mm gun. It can hold its own and emerge victorious from any battle, since it features a unique camouflage system that distinguishes it from its brothers on the battlefield. In the right hands, it can become a deadly threat to any enemy.


    o Soviet medium tank, the latest modification of the T-34 class with an 85mm gun. It features a modified camouflage design and spaced armor which reduces the destructive effect of anti-tank rounds. This is an experienced fighter, ready for any surprises.
    *all units are available for unlocking via in-game actions as well.

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