Rover Mechanic Simulator

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od 2,99 €
23 rokov
7x finalista
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Aktivácia: SteamSteamKód produktu: 9219449
  • Welcome to Mars!

    Rover Mechanic Simulator is a game in which you are a mechanic working on one of the first Martian colonies. Your main tasks include the repair and maintenance of Mars rovers, so that the remaining crew can collect detailed information about the structure of the planet.

    Use various devices!

    There are many devices at your disposal that will allow you to dismantle and maintain even the smallest parts of the rover. Use different tools such as a 3D printer, recycling machine, overhead crane, soldering iron and many more.

    Fix Mighty Mars Rovers

    There are many devices on Mars which served people in the past but broke down at some point. You can fix and restore them to service. Thanks to you they can continue to perform their tasks by sending specialized information about the composition of the planet. "Spirit", "Opportunity" and others have served people for years and they can still do it!

    Fix damaged PCBs

    Not all parts need to be replaced entirely. You can use special workbenches to repair damaged PCBs, clean and maintain parts that have worn out during rover's work. Thanks to this, you can save resources for much more difficult tasks.

    Gain Experience

    The game offers you several development paths that you can choose. Are you a tinkerer who enjoys disassembling devices into small parts? Become a technician! But if you prefer to precisely analyze the damaged parts and find malfunctions faster, then become an analyst. If you want to master the recovery of resources, follow the economist’s path.
    Gain experience, earn higher and higher ranks and undertake more and more difficult tasks. Become the best engineer on Mars!

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