Song of the Prairie

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od 2,99 €
23 rokov
7x finalista
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Aktivácia: SteamSteamKód produktu: 9160055
  • Song of The Prairie is a 3D farm game. The prairie town at the end of the continent blessed by the remaining grace of Goddess, which makes this land far away from strife and brings enrichment.

    Prairie town was a sanctuary, but forgotten by people during the age of peace. A hero who yearn for a rural life passed the employment of a farm host. How to build the town is depending on yourself. Game missions are non-linear, you don’t have to finish everything. You can experience the fun of exploration. Harvesting giant fruits and crops. Taking care fantastic animals and dating with someone you like. Just enjoy you rural life here!

    Experience the fun of plantation
    For the better experience of plantation, we prepared multiple growing stages and performance effects for plants. When you are hoeing, seeding, watering, you can feel that everything is changing because of your participation. Vast land is provided to farm, you can plant any plant you like if you want.

    Enjoy the happiness of harvest
    Prairie town is blessed by goddess, everything was full of life. Vegetables and fruits will be very giant when mature. Every harvest is a payback to your hardworking!

    Breed fantastic animals
    Animals in Prairie town are not just common livestock. Except producing, those cultivatable animals are full of fantastic powers. Those power could help us better gaming.

    Construct and manage your farm
    There are all kinds of decors in big and small over a hundred in total, including: fences, street lamps, pavilions and so on. You can decorate your farm area with these content by your preference. At the same time, the functional buildings in the town could be upgraded or modified to make their functions more powerful.

    Getting and out of the house without loading
    Say good bye to loading when you get in and out of the house, say good bye to the annoying waiting for loading. Let exploration easier, and let gameplay smoother.

    Player could change avatar’s outlook at any time. Also there are lots of outfits and accessories for player to choose. But how to acquire these things are depending on your exploration.

    Friendly neighborhood
    Be forgotten Prairie town have 24 characters to deeply explore. Every character has a unique personality. Have their good feeling, open their heart, ask out to date, maybe one of them could company you in your life.

    And more content are waiting for your discovery!

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