Tomb Raider Game of the Year Edition

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od 2,99 €
23 rokov
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Aktivácia: SteamSteamKód produktu: 9161348
  • Tomb Raider is a critically acclaimed action adventure that explores the intense and gritty origin story of Lara Croft and her ascent from a young woman to a hardened survivor. Armed only with raw instincts and the ability to push beyond the limits of human endurance, Lara must fight to unravel the dark history of a forgotten island to escape its relentless hold. The Game of the Year edition includes the Tomb of the Lost Adventurer, 6 single player outfits for Lara, 8 multiplayer maps, and 4 characters.



    Tomb Raider
    Tomb Raider: Fisherman
    Tomb Raider: Scavenger Bandit
    Tomb Raider: Scavenger Scout
    Tomb Raider: Hunter Skin
    Tomb Raider: Aviatrix Skin
    Tomb Raider: Guerilla Skin
    Tomb Raider: Shanty Town
    Tomb Raider: Tomb of the Lost Adventurer
    Tomb Raider: 1939 Multiplayer Map Pack
    Tomb Raider: Caves and Cliffs Multiplayer Map Pack
    Tomb Raider: Mountaineer Skin
    Tomb Raider: Sure-Shot Skin
    Tomb Raider: Demolition Skin
    Tomb Raider: Shipwrecked Multiplayer Map Pack
    Tomb Raider: Scavenger Executioner


    TOMB RAIDER © 2013 Crystal Dynamics group of companies. All rights reserved. TOMB RAIDER, LARA CROFT, CRYSTAL DYNAMICS, the CRYSTAL DYNAMICS logo, EIDOS, and the EIDOS logo are trademarks of the Crystal Dynamics and Eidos Interactive Corp. group of companies.

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