Valor & Victory: Shield of Cholm

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od 2,99 €
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Aktivácia: SteamSteamKód produktu: 9070697
  • This content requires the base game Valor & Victory on Steam in order to play.

    Shield of Cholm is the second DLC for Valor & Victory. Cholm’s emergence onto the stage of historical events of World War II came about as a result of the Russian Winter Offensive of 1941-1942.

    The DLC features two huge maps, larger than any released in Valor & Victory so far, and twelve new scenarios: Slayed, Reclamation, From Matilda With Love, Red Army Day, Bieckers Bastion, Into The Heart of Cholm, May Day – West Side, May Day – East Side, Red Ruin Roulette, Foiled For Flanking Fire, Successful Second Time Around, Regained in a Day.

    New units have been introduced: Partisans, Conscripts, Russian Assault Engineers as well as new terrain types: rubble, debris, escarpments & ice.

    The Shield of Cholm DLC is based on the Kampfgruppe Scherer supplement from Le Franc Tireur.

    12 New Scenarios

    Huge maps, larger than any released in Valor & Victory so far.

    New Units

    Partisans, Conscripts, Russian Assault Engineers

    New terrain types

    Rubble, debris, escarpments & ice

    Legal line:
    Valor & Victory © Copyright Barry W. Doyle 2021. Published by Slitherine Ltd. Developed by Yobowargames. All rights reserved to their respective owners.

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