This War of Mine: Stories - Last Broadcast (PC) Steam

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od 2,99 €
23 rokov
7x finalista
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Aktivácia: SteamSteamŠtítky: 2D adventúra
Typ hry: Hra pre jedného hráča, DLC
Jazyk: AngličtinaAngličtina
Kód produktu: 7661642
  • The Last Broadcast’ is the second instalment in the series of This War of Mine: Stories. Based on the idea by highly talented Meg Jayanth (80 Days) this episode explores the role of truth in a time of despair. As a radio-operator broadcasting in a war-torn city, face the dilemma of whether there is a line beyond which the truth can be sacrificed. As Ira Glass once said: ‘In radio you have two tools. Sound and silence
    The Last Broadcast DLC introduces:

    7 remastered locations
    4 new locations
    new shelter
    new playable characters
    new radio mechanics
    new investigating and reporting mechanics
    new dilemmas mechanics
    non-linear story with 6 different endings
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